Today unfolds as a profoundly significant chapter in my existence, a day where courage intertwines with inner exploration. I now embrace the name Achadé, and this journal will be my companion on the path to authenticity. The persistent discomfort of the name Marie Myrlande prompted a courageous confrontation with my father. The revelation of the collaborative struggle they faced in giving me a name illuminated the complexity of identity. Seven names, and none had the desired impact, as my father confirmed. It goes without saying that this journey was not easy.

From that moment, I knew change was inevitable. Today, I take the first steps towards unlocking my destiny. It wasn’t a rejection of my past; rather, it was a profound desire to align with my true identity.

I’ve learned that metamorphosis is not a smooth path. It demands courage, unwavering resilience, and a deep commitment to oneself. My journey of redefinition allowed me to explore dormant skills within me, waiting for the light of courage to awaken them. This voyage allowed me to delve deep into myself, discovering buried skills ready to blossom like buds awaiting the right season.

Today, I celebrate the discovery of these skills that are integral to my true essence. It’s not just a change of name; it’s a self-exploration, a resurfacing of hidden talents. This journey requires introspection, a silent dialogue with oneself to unveil buried treasures. Each step of this transformation reveals a new layer of my inner power, ready to unfold in the daylight. This journal becomes the narrative of this exploration, an invitation to fellow soul-searchers to uncover their hidden treasures and embrace the authenticity that awaits them. Hopefully, my story serves as inspiration. I invite you to share your reflections and questions in the comments section below.

I look forward to reconnecting in next month’s journal, where we delve into the theme of Self-discipline. Additionally, consider joining my talk show to contribute by sharing your success stories, offering insights that can profoundly impact others on their unique journeys. Until then, stay well.


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